Thursday, June 2, 2011

quotes about dogs and friendship

quotes about dogs and friendship. cats and dogs together,
  • cats and dogs together,

  • bushbeat
    Mar 24, 02:01 PM
    ....Anyone else have any horror stories?:)

    All the horrible stories in this thread reminds me of David Thorne's bizarre article "Please design a logo for me. With pie charts. For free."
    Have a laugh:

    quotes about dogs and friendship. cats and dogs together,
  • cats and dogs together,

  • Embed
    Jan 9, 04:54 PM
    *spoilers within*

    Keynote now up for your consumption:

    DAMN u got here before me

    quotes about dogs and friendship. friendship quotes that rhyme.
  • friendship quotes that rhyme.

  • ranviper
    Feb 18, 08:11 AM
    Its :D
    Any chance u can link the original? That would go good in my rotation. :D

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  • friendship quotes 121

  • HarryPot
    May 6, 09:31 AM
    In other words, it qualified as an act of aggression of sorts. Roosevelt knew exactly what he was doing, and the America Firsters were opposed to it, but he got it through.

    Americans are stunningly uninformed on 1949-41, it is a period that is a huge blank in history books. Much easier to tell the story of Pearl Harbor and ignore the back-story. Ignore the fact that if America had had a little testicular fortitude in those earlier years, millions of people probably would not have died. But at least we got Casablanca, Saving Private Ryan and Pink Floyd's the Wall.

    Yet this is the second time you come here and tell us how our point of view/perception is wrong, and don't give us any information as to what really happened.

    In what way does this change the issue? Japan needed oil we refused to give it to them, if America had been in their position odds are we would have done the same. It seems to me that by world standards the war was perfectly justified.

    Not giving something you own to someone else is not an act of war. Besides, the USA didn't placed the oil embargo out of nothing. Japan started a war first, hence the oil embargo.

    Not that war is ever justified but I fail to see how the Japanese are/were any worse than any other invading army which has ever existed.

    Because being the first to act and start a war is very different from being the one who entered the war to defend itself and their allies.

    I mean, Japan became and ally to Germany. You can't become ally to the country who is trying to conquer Europe (and performing several atrocities in the path) and expect to be treated differently.


    quotes about dogs and friendship. Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Dogs, Satire Technology and Clever Marketing Cartoons
  • Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Dogs, Satire Technology and Clever Marketing Cartoons

  • bbergie
    Jan 10, 05:30 PM
    The keynote was certainly not void of worthy content, and Jobs was masterful in his delivery. But I was surprised at what the keynote presentation lacked:

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  • Dog Quotes

  • Shaneuk
    Feb 5, 10:28 AM


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  • friendship dogs and use

  • French iPod
    Dec 6, 12:01 AM
    @fel10: i love your wallpapers it's very red-ish:D i used to have the 2nd one on my macbook pro but decided to changed it:P (

    i love my macbook pro right now:D!! (even though i bought it in June as my grad present:p) it's perfect for recording music and stuff!!

    quotes about dogs and friendship. quotes on friendship
  • quotes on friendship

  • YS2003
    Oct 1, 12:52 PM
    Like many other mid-sized and large companies, my current company also uses Lotus Notes. One of the features I like about Notes is address search. I can partially type in the name of my colleague and Notes retrieves the rest of the name (without me creating the address book). It gets awefully slow after the local server (meaning, the notebook's internal HD) reaches 1 GB data (for email); So, I had to create new local every 1 GB.

    The Mac support for Notes would be good as that might open up a possibility my current employer's IT department might allow MBP for a company-issued notebook. As of now, it is all Dell.

    Now that Notes will become more Mac friendly, the only other obstacle would be using AS400 database via Ramba.


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  • friendship quotes and graphics

  • tbluhp
    Apr 25, 04:55 PM
    Like intonow is there an app that is like intonow but will detect the movie you are watching?

    quotes about dogs and friendship. Dogs are man#39;s best metaphor.
  • Dogs are man#39;s best metaphor.

  • purduepick
    Apr 6, 12:09 PM
    Lets hope they fix the OSX Server SMTP issue as well. We had to move everyone off of outlook for Mac because it would no longer connect for the SMTP side of our OSX server. Could receive email no problem but would not send. Move to OSX Mail and no issue. Outlook on PC no issue. Very odd problem and could not solve it.


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  • valentine friendship quotes

  • CaoCao
    Apr 13, 11:13 PM
    When did fruity become a homophobic slur, I thought it was a synonym with gay

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  • msjones
    Apr 22, 10:17 AM
    Can you not just click and drag the icon off the dock? This is the usual way to remove icons.


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  • est friendship quotes

  • rnizlek
    Feb 10, 02:18 PM
    I have the same minute plan, with the unlimited data plan, and a FAN - I had no trouble switching the messaging option over this morning.

    Yeah, they still haven't gotten back to me. No idea what could be so hard about applying this to my account. I'll call them back in about a hour if I don't hear anything.

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  • PhoneyDeveloper
    Apr 4, 10:39 AM


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  • Island Dog
    Dec 16, 07:37 AM
    My December desktop!

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  • WillEH
    Apr 28, 07:30 PM
    Ouch, post deleted. It was only a joke :(

    But really, I'm embarrased for Apple & Samsung for these pathetic lawsuits they keep bringing against each other. Money, money, money!


    quotes about dogs and friendship. funny quotes about friendship. funny quotes about friendship. funny quotes about friendship. Photics. Apr 9, 10:26 AM
  • funny quotes about friendship. funny quotes about friendship. funny quotes about friendship. Photics. Apr 9, 10:26 AM

  • steinbch
    Jul 9, 08:04 PM
    So I've been thinking that since there are two Apple Stores near here (Woodfield & Deerpark), that this AT&T store might be the perfect diamond in the rough. Anyone thinking of coming here? There are two locations in Arlington on Dundee and one on Arlington Heights Rd.

    quotes about dogs and friendship. funny friendship quotes with
  • funny friendship quotes with

  • stevietheb
    Nov 17, 08:17 AM
    Konfabulator: The closest thing to Tiger's Dashboard feature. This widget launcher is free, cool and very well done. Great for webcams, weather alerts, stock quotes etc.

    Konfab is free now?

    As for me:

    Quicksilver -- practically replaces the Dock and Finder...also, triggers are quite useful

    mp3 Sushi -- creates a little radio station on my network...tune into the stream from 2 users on the same computer and send one of the itunes over to you've got your library playing on your computer's speakers and on AX...a little bit of lag, but useful if you're speakers are in separate rooms.

    Genius -- for language study.

    MacJanitor -- housekeeping
    MacStumbler -- see what's going on in the wireless realm
    MacTracker -- info on all macs

    Meteorologist -- menubar weather....I have it set to give me weather for multiple zip codes (always intersted in what's going on back in my home state of Texas!)

    TransparentDock -- puts the Dock where you want it and allows you to match it with your for ultimate aesthetic yumminess

    VLC -- for those stubborn multimedia files

    GeekTool -- currently I'm only using it to create an updating screensaver of radar images from -- I really like to know the weather!

    All of these should be available from versiontracker...sorry for not posting links.

    quotes about dogs and friendship. quotes about friendship funny.
  • quotes about friendship funny.

  • twoodcc
    Jan 26, 02:30 PM
    Hi all,

    Just added a 4.8 GHz i7-2600k folding -bigadv (~ 49000 ppd) to my MacRumors contribution.

    This is being helped by:

    3.8 GHz i7-860 folding -smp 7 -bigadv ~ 22000 ppd
    2.8 GHz i7-860 folding -smp 6 ~ 8000 ppd
    3* GTX 460 ~ 32000 ppd combined
    1* GTX 430 ~ 4000 ppd

    All running in wine under Ubuntu 10.04

    Hopefully I can maintain a reasonably stable 100k ppd, at least until the weather gets warmer when the graphics cards will have to stop.


    nice! thanks for sharing that! it's nice to see what hardware people are folding with.

    i am having trouble with another system now after the move. my last overclock isn't working now for some reason, so back to square 1 again. hopefully i can get it back up again.

    Aug 21, 07:49 PM
    quite good, glad to see you took my recommendation.

    Apr 28, 06:03 AM
    apparently apple needs to educate the local news programs better. my local nbc news reporter in nyc just said that "the iphone does send tracking information back to apple".

    Apr 16, 04:55 AM
    Install/reinstall Chud Tools 3.5.2 OFC after updating to 10.5.8

    Sep 26, 08:37 PM
    That's GREAT news. I've been stuck using web mail since my IT folks locked down all the ports on our system. Can't wait to have reasonable functionality again.

    Hilmi Hamidi
    Dec 8, 12:18 PM

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